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picture1_Fashion Pdf 95526 | Fashion Design Syllabus 2020 24

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File: Fashion Pdf 95526 | Fashion Design Syllabus 2020 24
curricula and syllabi bachelor of design fashion school of fashion technololgy kalinga institute of industrial technology kiit deemed to be university bhubaneswar 751024 2020 24 1 contents sl no contents ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Curricula and syllabi bachelor of design fashion school technololgy kalinga institute industrial technology kiit deemed to be university bhubaneswar contents sl no page academic curriculum course syllabus semester i ii iii iv v vi vii viii years degree in specialization textile objective is a style that popular at particular time so it have dynamic all the this attitude present both material e how can utilized address dynamics education as professional high caliber creative career foundation program related basic art common designed required adequate orientation followed by more focused classes will sensitize students towards understanding fundamentals activities namely right socio cultural perspective focus on building base for future learning technical function coming field through visual aspects arts crafts has always intrigued human mind imagine create become an integral part cultures globally they are important fragments unravel marvels imaginative powers thought process encompass...

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