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picture1_Fashion Pdf 95501 | Ej1089792

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File: Fashion Pdf 95501 | Ej1089792
journal of education and practice www iiste org issn 2222 1735 paper issn 2222 288x online vol 7 no 3 2016 basic design a needed foundation for designing a successful ...

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...Journal of education and practice www iiste org issn paper x online vol no basic design a needed foundation for designing successful garment case study dressmakers in the ho municipality volta region ghana selom gbetodeme department fashion textiles polytechnic p o box vr joana amankwa noble komla dzegblor industrial art abstract to facilitate process every form there are certain guidelines that all professional designers should use these known as elements principles this is survey carried out assess knowledge about sixty were randomly sampled combination questionnaires purposive interview used collect data analysis it was found had an idea only one element which line lack formal major contributive factor their deficit concludes has positive impact on designer s performance therefore serves important tool attain competitive advantage industry keywords dressmaker introduction simplest most feature planning work structure any based organization according whether consciously or sub burke ...

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