File: Business Regulation Pdf 95370 | 1 Department Of Business Regulation
olume i v eneral government g and quasi public agencies department of business regulation agency summary department of business regulation agency mission to assist educate and protect the public through ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Olume i v eneral government g and quasi public agencies department of business regulation agency summary mission to assist educate protect the through implementation enforcement state laws mandating licensing designated businesses professions occupations other specific activities while recognizing need foster a prosperous sound environment that serves interest description s primary function is implement specified composed five divisions central management which includes budget regulatory standards compliance respective are banking securities insurance building design fire professionals commercial gaming athletics office health commissioner director appointed by governor statutorily as real estate administrator chief intoxicating beverages boxing also houses commissions including commission appraisal board rhode island accountancy certified constables racing hearing issues over licenses conducts administrative hearings involving issuances penalties denials suspensions or revocations sta...