nrc inspection manual sfpo part 9900 10 cfr guidance 10 cfr part 71 and 49 cfr parts 171 178 transportation of radioactive material a purpose this cfr guide provides a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Nrc inspection manual sfpo part cfr guidance and parts transportation of radioactive material a purpose this guide provides summary the changes to regulations in as result adoption recent final rules that are effective on october is supplement existing chapters within until they revised updated reflect content b background pertains implementation january u s department dot nuclear regulatory commission jointly published compatibility with international atomic energy agency safety standards ts r both have an date means correcting errors found correction september respectively also additional rule which occurred these incorporated based licensees will need update their procedures operations several major included revision follows c discussion made respective impact different ways summarized below note appendix detailed section by review all adopted appendices d e f g h include sheets for topical areas packaging radiation limits contamination communication requirements issue industrial me...