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File: Wp15200
wp 15 200 but we are different 12 common weaknesses in banking laws and what to do about them by wouter bossu and dawn chew imf working papers describe research ...

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...Wp but we are different common weaknesses in banking laws and what to do about them by wouter bossu dawn chew imf working papers describe research progress the author s published elicit comments encourage debate views expressed those of not necessarily represent its executive board or management international monetary fund paper legal department prepared authorized for distribution sean hagan september this should be reported as representing policy further abstract well designed critical regulating market access operations banks their removal from case failure while at a financial level there is broad consensus content perspective drafting often leaves something desired spite argued types hardly country specific many shared discusses ways remedy focusing on selected set principles jel classification numbers g k keywords regulation analysis e mail address wbossu org mas gov sg contents i introduction ii scope definitions iii objectives functions powers supervisor iv nature hierarchy sec...

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