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picture1_Essential Commodities Act Amendment 2020 Pdf 95163 | 1601661973 Essential Commodities Amendment Bill 2020

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File: Essential Commodities Act Amendment 2020 Pdf 95163 | 1601661973 Essential Commodities Amendment Bill 2020
essential commodities amendment bill 2020 drishtiias com printpdf essential commodities amendment bill 2020 why in news recently the parliament passed the essential commodities amendment bill 2020 the bill replaces an ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Essential commodities amendment bill drishtiias com printpdf why in news recently the parliament passed replaces an ordinance promulgated june and amends act eca key points features of removes like cereals pulses oilseeds edible oils onion potatoes from list aims to remove fears private investors excessive regulatory interference their business operations ensures that interests consumers are safeguarded by regulating agricultural foodstuff situations such as war famine extraordinary price rise natural calamity however installed capacity a value chain participant export demand exporter will remain exempted regulation so ensure investments agriculture not discouraged background was used curb inflation allowing centre enable control state governments trade wide variety states imposed stock limits restrict movement any commodity deemed it helped discourage hoarding items including food vegetables economic survey highlighted government intervention under often distorted while being totally ...

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