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picture1_Economics Pdf 95083 | Business Law

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File: Economics Pdf 95083 | Business Law
ahmed umar abubakar business law school of business of economics major business management atlantic international university 1 business law business law is the body of law which governs business and ...

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...Ahmed umar abubakar business law school of economics major management atlantic international university is the body which governs and commerce often considered to be a branch civil deals both with issues private public laws commercial regulates corporate contracts hiring practice manufacture sales consumer goods many countries have adopted codes contain comprehensive statements their various regulatory schemes control how conducted privacy safety food drug are some examples also corporations or company refers separate legal entities known as corporation most prevalent models for firms instance limited companies ltd publicly plc incorporated businesses inc it subset depending on system may cover wider spectrum partnerships trusts unincorporated associations guilds sole proprietorships technically juristic person has identity from its shareholding members ordinarily undertake although jurisdictions refer in term only been judicially remarked that word no strictly meaning but taken mean s...

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