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picture1_Business Regulation Pdf 95003 | 9781464814402 Ch01

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File: Business Regulation Pdf 95003 | 9781464814402 Ch01
chapter 1 about doing business doing business measures aspects of business regulation affecting small domestic firms located in the largest business city of 190 economies in addition for 11 economies ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter about doing business measures aspects of regulation affecting small domestic firms located in the largest city economies addition for a second is covered covers areas ten these starting dealing with construction permits getting electricity registering property credit protecting minority investors paying taxes trading across borders enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency are included ease score ranking also on employing workers contracting government which not more than professionals have assisted providing data that inform indicators oing founded principle economic activity ben efits from clear rules allow voluntary exchanges between actors set out strong rights facilitate resolu d tion commercial disputes provide contractual partners protec tions against arbitrariness abuse such much effective promoting growth development when they efficient transparent accessible to those whom intended create an environment where new entrants drive inno vative ideas can get started prod...

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