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surat brts route time table pdf surat brtsoverviewlocalesurat  indiatransit typerapid transitnumber de  ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Continue surat brts route time table pdf brtsoverviewlocalesurat indiatransit typerapid transitnumber de lineas fase i amp ii numero estacionesdaily ridershipwebsite operationnovember operator s municipal corporationtechnicalsystem longitud kilometros millas el sitilink o es un sistema integrado transporte rapido en autobus y publico para gujarat la india esta operativo desde enero por corporacion corredores los dos se han completado corredor udhana darwaja a sachin gidc naka colonia ongc canal road sarthana jakat consta nueve cuales mayoria ya sido terminados corridor adajan patiya to jahangirpura pal r t colony anuvrat dwar st thomas school junction daksheshwar mahadev connect phase dindoli varigruh hirabaug gajera circle lake garden katargam kosad routes transit no g c clockwise anti nature park ews h someshwar amazia amusement e kamrej railway station utran rob bridge kharwarnagar pandesara moti ved mota varachha vrukshlaxmi society chiku wadi abhva gam vivekanand college olpad kad...

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