8 112051 bk gilels02 eu 26 03 2010 9 56 pagina 4 great pianists emilgilels great pianists emil gilels add pyotr il yich tchaikovsky 1840 1893 alexander konstantinovich glazunov 8 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Bk gilels eu pagina great pianists emilgilels emil add pyotr il yich tchaikovsky alexander konstantinovich glazunov souvenir de hapsal op no chant sans paroles piano sonata in e minor recorded moscow i moderato first issued on rpm cccp ii scherzo allegretto iii finale allegro early sergei rachmaninov preludes lp concert hall society recordings g alla marcia chs sergey prokofiev d songs ma non troppo piu mosso daisies version for tempo primo marcato andante iv vivace etudes tableaux c microgroove the love three oranges ter medtner nicolas march urss tenebroso sempre affrettando assai interludium lugubre producer jonathan summers audio restoration engineer ward marston january special thanks to donald manildi melodiya festivals a month later as well rome although ussr again played s had already been championed by another of which he gave performance september russian pianist previous generation benno one greatest twentieth made from this period with any and very frequently throughout moi...