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picture1_Data Mining Notes 92802 | Lecture1428550844

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File: Data Mining Notes 92802 | Lecture1428550844
lecture notes on data mining data warehousing course code bcs 403 dept of cse it vssut burla syllabus module i data mining overview data warehouse and olap technology data warehouse ...

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...Lecture notes on data mining warehousing course code bcs dept of cse it vssut burla syllabus module i overview warehouse and olap technology architecture stepsfor the design construction warehouses a three tier warehousearchitecture queries metadata repository preprocessing integration transformation reduction primitives what defines task relevant kind knowledge to be mined kdd ii association rules in large databases rule market basketanalysis road map apriori algorithm finding frequent itemsets using candidate generation generating from improving efficiently without multilevel approaches tomining multidimensional for relational database quantitative miningdistance based correlation analysis iii is classification prediction issues regardingclassification by decision tree induction bayesian bayes theorem naive backpropagation multilayer feed forward neural network defining anetwork topology concepts otherclassification methods k nearest neighbor classifiers geneticalgorithms rough set a...

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