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picture1_Journal Pdf 92704 | S1 1 03   Plant Propogation   Student Project

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File: Journal Pdf 92704 | S1 1 03 Plant Propogation Student Project
plant propagation project name plant propagation project student guidelines introduction in this project you will be finding out about vegetative propagation in plants whenever plants reproduce asexually by any means ...

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...Plant propagation project name student guidelines introduction in this you will be finding out about vegetative plants whenever reproduce asexually by any means either naturally or artificially the term is used it that tissues parts of are not sexual reproduction to produce new complete your do following tasks independent research and give examples methods select a method write brief procedure explaining how works some include rooting stem cuttings growing from plantlets offsets divisions start keep laboratory journal describing s progress list three specific reasons why might desirable reading may find materials at home school local libraries make sure look gardening books because they often contain detailed information websites can use also included packet record on page based healthy propagated houseplant landscape wild now have chosen learn more findings characteristics once selected conduct remember step description as need records treatment success failure weekly log pages care f...

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