File: Active Isolated Stretching Pdf 92593 | Pq Art 44995 10
original paper physiotherapy quarterly issn 2544 4395 2022 30 1 61 67 wroclaw university of health and sport sciences the immediate effects of tissue flossing during active isolated stretching on ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Original paper physiotherapy quarterly issn wroclaw university of health and sport sciences the immediate effects tissue flossing during active isolated stretching on hamstring flexibility in young healthy individuals doi https org pq thanawat kitsuksan poramet earde department physical therapy faculty allied thammasat bangkok thailand abstract introduction is increasingly popular among sportspersons for enhanced both prehabilitation rehabilitation programs nevertheless there a lack evidence about this compression technique inter vention purpose study was to determine methods overall male adults aged years low moderate activity were randomly allocated or non group intervention participants stretched by performing sets repetitions traditional sit reach back saver knee extension passive tests conducted before instantly after results revealed that resulted statistically significant improvement groups p comparing these interven tions indicated had significantly higher score test than concl...