sri vidya college of engineering and technology course material lecture notes 2 1 introduction to cpm pert techniques 2 2 applications of cpm pert 2 3 basic steps in pert ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Sri vidya college of engineering and technology course material lecture notes introduction to cpm pert techniques applications basic steps in frame work network diagram representation rules for drawing diagrams common errors networks advantages disadvantages critical path analysis or as the technique is sometimes called developed along two parallel streams one industrial other military method was discovery m r walker e i du pont de nemours co j kelly remington rand circa computation designed univac computer first test made when applied construction a new chemical plant march maintenance shut down at works louisville kentucky unproductive time reduced from hours project evaluation review devised polaris missile program by branch special projects office u s navy helped lockheed systems division consultant firm booz allen hamilton calculations were so arranged that they could be carried out on ibm naval ordinance research norc dahlgren virginia cs rmt unit page methods are essentially ori...