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picture1_Hanon Exercises Pdf 92276 | Virtuoso Pianist Pt1 A4

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File: Hanon Exercises Pdf 92276 | Virtuoso Pianist Pt1 A4
c l hanon the virtuoso pianist part i preparatory exercises for the acquirement of agility independence strength and perfect evenness in the fingers mutopia typeset using lilypond 2015 by steve ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...C l hanon the virtuoso pianist part i preparatory exercises for acquirement of agility independence strength and perfect evenness in fingers mutopia typeset using lilypond by steve taylor javier ruiz alma project creative commons attribution sharealike international license free to distribute modify perform ne stretch between fifth fourth left hand ascending right descending forstudyingtheexercisesinthisfirstpart beginwiththemetronomesetat graduallyincreasingthespeedupto this is meaning double mark at head each exercise lift high with precision playing note very distinctly m mf g n d e s a forbrevity weshallhenceforwardindicateonlybytheirfiguresthosefingerswhicharetobespeciallytrainedineachexercise etc observethat throughoutthebookbothhandsarecontinuallyexecutingthesamedifficulties inthiswaythelefthandbecomes asskilfulastheright besides thedifficultiesexecutedbythelefthandinascending areexactlycopiedbythesamefingersofthe new style will cause hands acquire equality...

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