simulation a language learning tactic this project has been funded with support from the european commission this publication reflects the views only of the author and the commission cannot be ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Simulation a language learning tactic this project has been funded with support from the european commission publication reflects views only of author and cannot be held responsible for any methods fr leo use which may made information contained therein contents what is benefits drawbacks solutions getting started formation groups preparing conducting evaluating assessing sample lesson plan short term bibliography appendices simulations as approach have interpreted in different resources or by authors ways terms used role playing literature are often interchangeably well such game play though word its definition dictionary imply that participants simulate act pretend teaching presented guide not same they based on jones s reality function simulated structured environment other words rather than to students real life task achieve difference between plays most frequently mixed up main differences these two activities shown table below provided create imagine using text audio video input ...