File: Play Way Method Pdf 92102 | Gallery 20180817163852
play way method to teach lessons in evs by ms j p bharathi a teacher has to have an innovative style in her teaching every time what she tried today ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Play way method to teach lessons in evs by ms j p bharathi a teacher has have an innovative style her teaching every time what she tried today may become monotonous and boring for kids the next class activity creates new enthusiasm students can keep them attentive also inspire involve innovate impart with ease within four walls of room so teachers try using various methods make interesting ensure cover topic which let us discuss few ways get story board drawing colouring flash cards chits dumb charades first say lesson on plants as enters ask shall i take or we normal will be happy that they want now giving full freedom do their chosen draw use any one up involved coloring job is only monitor guide slow learners rest are engrossed tree needs live slowly understand need pond well beside plant keeps moving why leaves green color explain how it makes its food photosynthesis here brown tell withers old fresh leaf starts growing getting curious about session all hold breath while obviously ...