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picture1_Wood E

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File: Wood E
principles for the preservation of historic timber structures 1999 adopted by icomos at the 12th general assembly in mexico october 1999 the aim of this document is to define basic ...

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...Principles for the preservation of historic timber structures adopted by icomos at th general assembly in mexico october aim this document is to define basic and universally applicable practices protection with due respect their cultural significance refer here all types buildings or constructions wholly partially that have are parts a area purpose such recognise importance from periods as part heritage world take into account great diversity various species qualities wood used build them vulnerability material decay degradation varying environmental climatic conditions caused humidity fluctuations light fungal insect attacks wear tear fire other disasters increasing scarcity misuse loss skills knowledge traditional design construction technology variety actions treatments required conservation these resources note venice charter burra related unesco doctrine seek apply make following recommendations inspection recording documentation condition structure its components should be carefu...

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