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picture1_Types Of Granulation Pdf 91775 | 080802 En

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File: Types Of Granulation Pdf 91775 | 080802 En
1 data sheet may grunwald giemsa for smears blood smear code description tests number 04 080802 may grunwald giemsa for smears 50 working solutions 100 ml each in vitro diagnostic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Data sheet may grunwald giemsa for smears blood smear code description tests number working solutions ml each in vitro diagnostic medical device manufacturer bio optica milano s p a ivd class reg ue udi di basic wy via san faustino phone fax italia export www it info claims product the preparation of cyto histological samples optical microscopy recommended method to differentiate cell types and reveal parasites morphologic details spleen tissue lymph node marrow demonstrate bacteria rickettsia mast cells granulation sputum organic aspirates particularly detect trichomonas vaginal principle solution consisting eosin methylene blue stains nuclei basophil cytoplasm pinkish red complex chloride azure ii eosinate improves intensity nuclear staining capacity show selectively cellular structures appreciate results always remember two factors ph washing water dilution buffer have strong influence on final colour chart stain vary according differentiation time volumetric flask put reagent b con...

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