File: Theory Of Production Pdf 91750 | Ism1 Item Download 2022-09-16 16-04-15
chapter 1 introduction to irrigation 1 1 introduction irrigation is the supply of water to crops by artificial means it is designed to permit the desired plant growth in arid ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter introduction to irrigation is the supply of water crops by artificial means it designed permit desired plant growth in arid regions and offset drought semiarid or subhumid even areas where average seasonal precipitation may seem ample rains are fre quently unevenly distributed soils have low holding capacities so that traditional rainfed agriculture a high risk enterprise provides for stable food pro duction some prolongs effective growing season with security provided additional inputs like higher producing varieties fertilizer better pest control improved tillage become economically feasible reduces these expensive being wasted on global scale has profound impact fresh supplies world production table worldwide distribution irrigated ar aesthetics value landscapes one third eas adapted from fao s comes culti area percent vated u irri millions cropped total acres lands gated accounted about half asia crop sales harvested land america usda europe turned many earth driest africa ...