effectiveness of play way method for teaching mathematics to children a synopsis submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of doctor of philosophy home science september 2013 supervisor co ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Effectiveness of play way method for teaching mathematics to children a synopsis submitted the partial fulfillment degree doctor philosophy home science september supervisor co prof ravi sidhu dr richa verma head assit professor dept u anand researcher dean faculty arts ankita sharma dayalbagh educational institute deemed university agra introduction poor performance academic is term used students that reflects how they are doing in their studies and classes preschool an important time child development both academically socially according okoye learning situation refers one who fails attain set standard given evaluation exercise such as test examination or series continuous assessment this means candidate scores less below regarded performing general familiar phenomena common problem relates everything universe from smallest largest positive attitude toward strong foundation begin early childhood improving great concern educators because experiences affect later education outcomes res...