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picture1_Bacterial Identification Methods Pdf 91298 | Lesson 11

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File: Bacterial Identification Methods Pdf 91298 | Lesson 11
module bacterial identification tests microbiology 11 notes bacterial identification tests 11 1 introduction in the previous chapter we have discussed various methods of isolation of bacteria the bacteria thus isolated ...

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...Module bacterial identification tests microbiology notes introduction in the previous chapter we have discussed various methods of isolation bacteria thus isolated needs to be further identified genus and species level is required so as cure illness or infection caused due by using appropriate antibiotics also holds significance for epidemiological purposes objectives after reading this you will able z describe processes involved explain microscopy process biochemical test serology phage typing antimicrobial susceptibility testing are processed through one few procedures mentioned below identify staining motility serological disc semiautomated automated systems molecular techniques i forms foremost most important step stained depending upon focus follow gram differentiates into two types positive negative can either cocci bacilli vibrios pathogenic staphylococci streptococci pneumococci etc commonly encountered e coli klebsiella salmonella spp shigella albert performed case if suspects...

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