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picture1_Radiographic Testing Pdf 91042 | 1434529257266 Radiography

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File: Radiographic Testing Pdf 91042 | 1434529257266 Radiography
radiography objectives to understand the principle of radiographic testing methods know the technique of testing become familiar with standards codes learn the applications introduction radiography one of the oldest the ...

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...Radiography objectives to understand the principle of radiographic testing methods know technique become familiar with standards codes learn applications introduction one oldest most widely used ndt which uses x rays or radiation examine interior materials gives a permanent film record defects that is easy interpret applied for assessing quality welded joints also can detect flaws discontinuities in welds such as cracks porosity blow holes slag flux oxide inclusions lack fusion between weld metal parent incomplete penetration tungsten inclusion etc properties are highly penetrating electromagnetic radiations wave length shorter than uv these have following invisible penetrate matter less if density more and thickness differentially absorbed travel straight lines produce photochemical effects on films may be refracted reflected diffracted damage living tissues ionise gases through it pass...

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