may grunwalds stain s039 may grunwalds stain is used as a staining solution composition ingredients eosin y 1 000 gm methylene blue 1 000 gm methanol 100 000 ml formula ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...May grunwalds stain s is used as a staining solution composition ingredients eosin y gm methylene blue methanol ml formula adjusted standardized to suit performance parameters directions prepare blood film on grease free slide and air dry treat the dried with for minutes slides grunwald note time vary depending concentration of determine optimal trial before proceeding add equal amount distilled water tilt mix minute pour off fluid without washing about drops freshly buffer diluted giemsa required varies age kind parasite sorensens be dilution rinse quick ample jet smear examine under oil principle interpretation stains are basic acidic dyes which induce multiple colours when applied cells acts fixative also solvent does not allow any further change in makes them adhere glass component white i e cytoplasm stained by dye they described eosinophilic or acidophilic components g nucleus nucleic acid take purple shades called basophilic neutral cell both quality control appearance violet co...