Methods of Isolation of Bacteria MODULE Microbiology 10 METHODS OF ISOLATION OF Notes BACTERIA 10.1 INTRODUCTION We have learned in earlier chapters that there exist so many bacteria that cause human now our task is to isolate these bacteria and identify them. The identification is required so as to cure the illness or the infection caused due to these bacteria, using appropriate antibiotics. Identification also holds significance for epidemiological purposes. This chapter would focus on various methods used for isolation of bacteria. While in subsequent chapters we would learn about identification of bacteria and the ways to ...
LeveL 3 SoiL microbioLogy Lab.3 iSoLation and numeration of SoiL microorganiSm Soil is a suitable environment for a diverse of microbial community consists of bacteria, actinomycetes, molds, yeast, algae, and protozoa. Due to differences in nutritional requirements for different type of microorganism in the soil its essential to use different types of culture media for isolation and numeration. 1- Nutrient agar: for numeration of bacteria. 2- Jensen's media: for numeration of Actinomycetes. Actinomycetes isolate on Petri dishes are characterized by a dry or dusty or chalky colony. Also, it characterized by a distinctive earthy odor like the smell ...
Aim: Isolation of bacteria from soil by serial dilution method Principle: Isolation is often essential for taxonomic and experimental work on micro-organisms. In the microbiological sense, it is the process of separating a single species of microorganism from its natural habitat and growing it by itself, without interference from other organisms, on a sterile substratum, i.e. in medium. The micro-organism can then be distinguished from other species by its individual characters (even if artefacts of laboratory conditions) and propagated to provide experimental material. Methods of isolating micro-organisms from a natural environment, such as soil, litter, air, or water, are ...
Exercise 4: Pure Culture Technique – Preparing a Streak Plate Objectives x Employ the streak plate technique to produce individual colonies on an agar plate. x Practice aseptic technique. Reading In order to study microorganisms and observe their characteristics it is first necessary to obtain them in pure culture (a pure culture is defined as a culture containing only one species of organism). This is very important because it is impossible to study the characteristics of a microorganism when contaminants (unwanted organisms) are present. One of the most common methods employed in the laboratory to obtain a pure culture is ...