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picture1_Thermal Analysis Pdf 90500 | 56902 Excerpt

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File: Thermal Analysis Pdf 90500 | 56902 Excerpt
chapter basic concepts for multivariate statistics 1 1 1 introduction 1 1 2 population versus sample 2 1 3 elementary tools for understanding multivariate data 3 1 4 data reduction ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter basic concepts for multivariate statistics introduction population versus sample elementary tools understanding data reduction description and estimation from matrix algebra normal distribution concluding remarks are information most crucial scientic sociological political economic busi ness decisions made based on analyis often available in abundance but by themselves they of little help unless summarized an appropriate interpretation the summary quantities however such a correspond ing can rarely be just looking at raw careful scrutiny analysis these usually provide enormous amount valuable may not obtained computing simple aver ages admittedly more complex their structure involved thecomplexityinadatasetmayexistforavarietyofreasons forexample thedataset maycontaintoomanyobservationsthatstandoutandwhosepresenceinthedatacannotbe justied any explanation observations viewed as inuential ob servationsoroutliers decidingwhichobservationisorisnotaninuentialoneisadifcult problem bri...

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