rohini college of engineering technology 1 1 scope and objectives objectives of soil exploration following are the objectives of site investigation or subsurface exploration 1 determination of the nature of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Rohini college of engineering technology scope and objectives soil exploration following are the site investigation or subsurface determination nature deposits depth thickness various strata their extent in horizontal direction location ground water fluctuations level obtaining rock samples from properties that affects performance structure situ by performing field tests to know about order occurrence groundwater table its variations select a suitable type foundation estimate probable maximum differential settlements find bearing capacity predict lateral earth pressure against retaining walls abutments improvement techniques construction equipment forecast problems occurring foundations solutions purpose i determine basic which affect design safety e compressibility strength hydrological conditions ii material be used for iii condition iv analyze causes failure existing works depends upon ultimate use ce results will applied example structures transmit heavy load on aim is provide data...