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picture1_Ect Pdf 90433 | Module 6

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File: Ect Pdf 90433 | Module 6
module 6 eddy current testing ect eddy current testing history and development discovery of law of electromagnetic induction by faraday in 1832 faraday s law when a magnetic field cuts ...

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...Module eddy current testing ect history and development discovery of law electromagnetic induction by faraday in s when a magnetic field cuts conductor or an electric will flow through the if closed path is provided over which can circulate christian oersted exists around coil carrying proportional to number turns currents are defined as oscillating electrical induced conductive material alternating due used for sorting materials measurement control dimensions tubes sheets rods pre service examination heat exchanger asst prof vishnu sankar dme rset principle ac khz mhz made probe turn produces it this brought close electrically conducting surface metallic be inspected induces presence any defect disturbs generates opposite direction may detected voltage across second deviation impedance original...

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