acta poloniae pharmaceutica n drug research vol 68 no 5 pp 725n733 2011 issn 0001 6837 polish pharmaceutical society analysis of wet granulation process with plackett burman design n case ...
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...Acta poloniae pharmaceutica n drug research vol no pp issn polish pharmaceutical society analysis of wet granulation process with plackett burman design case study krzysztof woyna orlewicz and renata jachowicz department technology biopharmaceutics jagiellonian university faculty pharmacy medyczna st krakuw poland abstract according to analytical perspective product quality should be ensured by manufacturing initial step the is investigation critical parameters cpps it generally accepted type based on project team knowledge experience this paper describes use experiments tool for selection seven factors granula tion were investigated criticality low high levels each factor represented maximal min imal settings wide operational ranges granulates produced in line experimental matrix blended extra granular excipients compressed into tablets semi products final tested out specification result any attribute was treated as failure shear i e quantity binding solution rotational speed impeller...