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picture1_Thermal Analysis Pdf 90357 | M1 Pid0366

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File: Thermal Analysis Pdf 90357 | M1 Pid0366
international journal of computational intelligence and informatics vol 6 no 4 march 2017 mining big data an analysis of sms text data using r c immaculate mary s rehna sulthana ...

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...International journal of computational intelligence and informatics vol no march mining big data an analysis sms text using r c immaculate mary s rehna sulthana department computer science sri sarada college for women autonomous salem india cimmaculatemary gmail com rehnacs abstract a communication is said to be resilience when it effectively used at the time calamity management as we are in global warning era natural disasters common around world help lines created victims communicate with disaster systems emergency huge number peoples who trapped affected by catastrophe would try automated or computerized state rescue medical fire emergencies food supply etc humongous discernable will generated fatalities which leaves digital map out harnessing this unstructured yield several interesting paradigm valuable information contemporary decision making predictive paper proposes frame work receiving analysing visualizing discovering patterns clustering algorithms also discusses how uncovered...

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