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picture1_Agro Based Industries Pdf 90285 | Bn Sugarcane

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File: Agro Based Industries Pdf 90285 | Bn Sugarcane
1 introduction sugarcane is a most important cash crop of india it involves less risk and farmers are assured up to some extent about return even in adverse condition sugarcane ...

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...Introduction sugarcane is a most important cash crop of india it involves less risk and farmers are assured up to some extent about return even in adverse condition provides raw material for the second largest agro based industry after textile sugar an instrumental generating sizable employment rural sector directly through its ancillary units estimated that million their dependents engaged cultivation skilled unskilled workers factories allied industries has been focal point socio economic development areas by mobilizing resources enhancing farm income there installed co operative private public country as on with sufficient crushing capacity produce around lakh mt major growing states grown various subtropical tropical regions main sub uttar pradesh uttarakhand haryana punjab bihar annual rainfall mm climate ranges from humid moist dry cold arid semiarid b region karnataka tamil nadu maharashtra andhra gujarat madhya having semi climates zones broadly two distinct climatic viz shared...

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