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picture1_Soil Pfas Sampling Guidance 639407 7

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File: Soil Pfas Sampling Guidance 639407 7
michigan department of environmental quality soil pfas sampling guidance introduction this guidance document discusses the processes decontamination note review the procedures and acceptable items and materials for sampling soil for ...

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...Michigan department of environmental quality soil pfas sampling guidance introduction this document discusses the processes decontamination note review procedures and acceptable items materials for per general polyfluoroalkyl substances in addition will be used to support objectives based on any prior reviewing assurance project plan qapp developed activities assumes staff has basic familiarity with or understanding deq intends update information contained within as new becomes available user is encouraged visit action response team webpage www gov pfasresponse access current version because compounds can analyzed at concentrations parts trillion ppt range precautions must taken prevent cross contamination field equipment either rented not that multiple sites locations also described non dedicated could become highly contaminated if site specific should conducted from least most additional sequence found section involves use such scoops trowels shovels augers other drilling related whi...

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