j lnf commun converg eng 15 3 170 174 sep 2017 regular paper text mining and visualization of papers reviews using r language 1 2 3 jiapei li seong yoon ...
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...J lnf commun converg eng sep regular paper text mining and visualization of papers reviews using r language jiapei li seong yoon shin hyun chang lee member kiice department library information consulting hebei geology university shijiazhuang china school computer communication engineering kunsan national gunsan korea digital contents wonkwang iksan abstract nowadays people share discuss scientific on social media such as the web big data online forums blogs twitter facebook scholar community etc in addition to a variety metrics numbers citation download recommendation review is also one effective resources for study impact tools improve research process recording series scholarly behaviors this aims huge amount which have generated platforms explore implicit about we implemented shown result texts found that zika virus was hotspot association methods were widely used mined news derived public opinion index terms word cloud i introduction define altmetrics follows diverse group activiti...