File: 22949biopolymer Part 3 For Sem Vcc12 07 09 2020
protein sequencing structure and peptide synthesis semester v cc12 dr subhra mishra associate professor department of chemistry sequencing of proteins protein sequencing is a technique to determine amino acids sequence ...
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...Protein sequencing structure and peptide synthesis semester v cc dr subhra mishra associate professor department of chemistry proteins is a technique to determine amino acids sequence in it method understand the function living organism acid determines eventual three dimensional importance because n terminus chain distict from c small composed different aminoacids may have several constitutional isomers e g asp phe or methyl ester first dipeptide artificial sweetner aspartame which nearly times sweeter than sucrose neither component sweet actually bitter derivatives other are not sequences composition often always reflect similar will homologous organisms problems has combinations frederick sanger sequenced two chains insulin aa all molecules given same can be ways direct indirect encoding gene dna conventional if more one polypeptide separate cleave reduce disulfide bridges determinecompositionofeachchain determinen andc terminalresidues each into smaller fragments repeat step using c...