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picture1_7 Ls Ang Pract Ana

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File: 7 Ls Ang Pract Ana
practical 7 st anaerobic cultivation bacteria in relation to oxygen anaerobic infections sampling and transport cultivation establishing of anaerobic environment anaerobic culture media procedure inoculation isolation anaerobes are the predominant ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Practical st anaerobic cultivation bacteria in relation to oxygen infections sampling and transport establishing of environment culture media procedure inoculation isolation anaerobes are the predominant components skin s mucous membranes normal flora cause endogenous origin mixed caused by numerous aerobic often observed clinical situations usually disturbance balance atb colon microflora or unusual anatomic sites perforation peritonitis exogenous wound contamination exudate pus abscess conditions aspirate syringe with needle capped protected rubber surgical can be required never use dry swab divided into strict that not grow presence more than moderate able growing between do possess catalase generate superoxide dismutase which protects them from...

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