File: Thermal Analysis Pdf 89972 | Quantitative Analysis
quantitative analysis quantitative monitoring and evaluation methods involve collecting and analysing data in the form of numbers rather than words there are two main types of quantitative analysis descriptive statistics ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Quantitative analysis monitoring and evaluation methods involve collecting analysing data in the form of numbers rather than words there are two main types descriptive statistics used to describe or present an easily accessible more complex statistical is show changes resulting from a project programme draw conclusions m e weight children some key terms sampled designed collect analyse population shown box below for simplicity can be divided into administrative generated through basic processes it often concerned with dataset single file that contains you activities outputs such as number training going normally organised cases usually sessions conducted rows variables columns immunised may also cover finances logistics case refers unit about which on other hand different information collected examples might include assess individual survey respondents community includes school publication event taken sample people households variable piece has communities events etc entire been across...