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...International journal of innovation creativity and change www ijicc net volume issue delphi method in emerging technologies a b jhon wilder zartha sossa jorge alonso manrique henao juan manuel c d montes hincapie carlos palacio piedrahita gina lia orozco mendozae aschool engineering faculty agroindustrial universidad pontificia bolivariana bschool textile cfaculty economic administrative sciences de medellin dschool director eschool email upb edu co jmontes udem the purpose this article is to identify new techniques tools related application as well show which these have been applied future studies for methodology used was carried out through depth review articles directly obtained from scopus database had criteria focus on sector time horizon methods an analysis two axes discussion compared with proposals by authors such popper smith saritas applications at end were found prioritized key words information hype cycle introduction foresight constitutes preactive proactive anticipation i...