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picture1_Construction Methods Pdf 89712 | Appendix 2 Tunnel Construction Methods

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File: Construction Methods Pdf 89712 | Appendix 2 Tunnel Construction Methods
consultancy agreement no nex 2301 south island line east environmental impact assessment appendix 2 2 tunnel construction methods 1 introduction this appendix gives a general description of the tunnelling techniques ...

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...Consultancy agreement no nex south island line east environmental impact assessment appendix tunnel construction methods introduction this gives a general description of the tunnelling techniques reviewed for possible use in project including cut and cover drill blast bored sequential mining summary merits dis associated with these are also presented regard to mini micro as names imply used construct small tunnels only find their applications utility projects view size required railway not considered practicable is common well proven technique constructing shallow method can accommodate changes width non uniform shapes often adopted stations several overlapping works be carried out using trench excavation soil covering excavated three major integral parts most similar other road except that levels involved deeper bulk undertaken under deck minimise traffic disruption impacts terms dust noise emissions visual involves explosives drilling rigs bore holes on proposed surface designated de...

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