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picture1_Study Methods Pdf 89107 | Cdc 65060 Ds1

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File: Study Methods Pdf 89107 | Cdc 65060 Ds1
acomparative study ofagar overlay and standard tissue culture methods for isolation of enteroviruses milford h hatch scd and george e marchetti ab standard fluid monolayer tissue culture methods 1 have ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Acomparative study ofagar overlay and standard tissue culture methods for isolation of enteroviruses milford h hatch scd george e marchetti ab fluid monolayer have in our experience yielded relatively few enterovirus isolates from cerebrospinal fluids autopsy specimens because agar techniques had been reported to give increased numbers isolations certain clinical we studied tissues by both two kinds oftissue cells primary rhesus kidney pmk human epithelial hep were used media prepared with without added mgcl m medium mgc was included the shown enhance plaque formation a number subsequent initial diagnostic various types that received examined an method which results as well obtained over month period on are this report national institutes health strain section scientific services division center disease control grown tubes or ml prescription bottles duraglass lactalbumin hydrolysate hanks balanced salt solution lah percent fetal calf serum eagle s minimal essential mem maintenance cult...

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