concrete repair best practices a series of case studies prepared by michael darter ph d p eng applied research associates inc final report prepared for missouri department of transportation november ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Concrete repair best practices a series of case studies prepared by michael darter ph d p eng applied research associates inc final report for missouri department transportation november project tr cmr technical documentation page no government accession recipient s catalog title and subtitle date originally june to september published performing organization code author name address work unit contract or grant modot sponsoring agency type period spr covered construction materials division july january o box jefferson city mo supplementary notes conducted in cooperation with the u federal highway administration reports are available innovation library at http www org services bydate htm this is https gov rdt pdf abstract pavement restoration cpr techniques have gained greater national significance as dot agencies attempt further extend infrastructure service lives prior required major rehabilitation reconstruction various publications documented design procedures but less has been writ...