statistical methods with applications to machinelearningandartificial intelligence athesis presented to the academic faculty by yibiao lu in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree doctor of philosophy in the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Statistical methods with applications to machinelearningandartificial intelligence athesis presented the academic faculty by yibiao lu in partial fulllment of requirements for degree doctor philosophy h milton stewart school industrial and systems engineering georgia institute technology august c copyright approved professor xiaoming huo advisor alex shapiro shi jie deng panagiotis tsiotras daniel guggenheim aerospace ming yuan date apr tableofcontents list tables vi figures vii summary xii i theoreticalresultsonhigh orderlaplacian based regularization function estimation introduction methodology notations problem formulation choice penalty parameter theoretical properties mathematical preparation bounds matrix m s eigenvalues convergence rate multivariate gls estimator asymptotic optimality gcv conclusion appendix detailed proofs agmon theorem neumann boundary condition ii beamlet graph structure path plan ningusingmultiscaleinformation multiscale planning strategy preprocessed inform...