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picture1_Text Mining Pdf 88918 | Lecture 9   Representing And Mining Text

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File: Text Mining Pdf 88918 | Lecture 9 Representing And Mining Text
data mining for business analytics lecture 9 representing and mining text stern school of business new york university spring 2014 p adamopoulos new york university dealing with text data are ...

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...Data mining for business analytics lecture representing and text stern school of new york university spring p adamopoulos dealing with are represented in ways natural to problems from which they were derived vast amount if we want apply the many tools that have at our disposal must either engineer representation match engineering or build why is difficult unstructured linguistic structure intended human communication not computers word order matters sometimes can be dirty people write ungrammatically misspell words abbreviate unpredictably punctuate randomly synonyms homograms abbreviations etc context goal take a set documents each relatively free form sequence turn it into familiar feature vector collection called corpus document composed individual tokens terms one instance but don t know advance what features will...

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