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picture1_Thermal Analysis Pdf 88895 | 100017425

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File: Thermal Analysis Pdf 88895 | 100017425
rd b a b sc iii semester section a paper statistical methods in geography practical ggb 3p1 topic sampling purposive random systematic and stratified unit v introduction statistics is an ...

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...Rd b a sc iii semester section paper statistical methods in geography practical ggb p topic sampling purposive random systematic and stratified unit v introduction statistics is an empirical science it basically concerned with the analysis of real world data can be collected from two sources i e primary secondary when we opts collection through census method complete enumeration select each every item universe group people place globe to village too large not possible due lack time money trained etc such cases go for which small representative part studied represents whole meaning definition techniques used during choose collect smaller set population this that main objective other words process obtaining information about entire by examining only advantages saves less expensive than also produces result faster high accuracy there if conducted experienced person convenience organization very tough handle sets as takes lot but on hand easy organize has intensive exhaustive sample measur...

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