b a b sc hons iii semester cbcs ggb3p1 statistical methods in geography unit 1 use of data in geography topic geographical data matrix gdm statistics is a branch of ...
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...B a sc hons iii semester cbcs ggbp statistical methods in geography unit use of data topic geographical matrix gdm statistics is branch science that deals with the collection organisation analysis and drawing inferences from samples to whole population this requires proper design study an appropriate selection sample choice suitable test or quantitative according seligman which collecting classifying presenting comparing interpreting numerical collected throw light on any sphere enquiry method comprehensive term includes almost all involved processing condensing analyzing spatial are defined as undigested unorganized unevaluated material can be associated location include facts results observations original remote sensing images basic census figures gathered communicated user little value themselves useful they must transformed into information when organized presented analyzed interpreted considered for particular decision problem become accordingly georeferenced have been processed f...