File: Journal Pdf 88557 | Article 114093 5ccb56c42b91630657daa9a9c7820325
ibrahim saber abd el rahman et al engineering research journal 163 september 2019 el1 el15 development of qpsk demodulator using dsp techniques 1 2 3 4 maisoonshehab ibrahim saber mustafa ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ibrahim saber abd el rahman et al engineering research journal september development of qpsk demodulator using dsp techniques maisoonshehab mustafa eltokhy fathy amer zaki nossair department electronic technology faculty industrial education helwan university ofcurriculum instructionfaculty electronics communications and computer college at abstract this paper presents the design implementation digital signal processing is designed implemented two different approaches in first approach filters are used for implementing second dft performed low pass costas loop nco by computing spectrum coming modulated finding maximum peak as it to determine carrier frequency its phase data bits then determined from both python software raspberry pi processor be embedded system also experimentation methods tested verified through simulation experiments keywords application shift keying method filter introduction idea modulation a key factor communication systems on grounds that without fitting techniqu...