File: Lottery Method Of Sampling Pdf 88512 | Unit 2
simple random sampling unit 2 simple random sampling structure 2 1 introduction objectives 2 2 methods of selection of a sample lottery method random number method computer random number generation ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Simple random sampling unit structure introduction objectives methods of selection a sample lottery method number computer generation properties merits and demerits attributes size for specific precision summary solutions answers refers to the technique in which each every item population is having an equal chance being included thus free from any personal bias because investigator does not make preference choice items since depends entirely on this also known as probability sometimes referred representative if chosen at sufficiently large it will represent all groups element randomness necessary be introduced final that likely enter unrepresentative are explained section described whereas determination briefly after studying you would able describe explain srswr srswor derive calculate variance estimate mean srs attribute its draw appropriate statistical techniques obtained by has selected only but nature n units randomly name suggest required elements simply target one can select eit...