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picture1_Thermal Analysis Pdf 88456 | 6953719

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File: Thermal Analysis Pdf 88456 | 6953719
hazard identification methods 1 joanna orymowska paulina sobkowicz2 abstract this article presents the main hazards that occur in inland navigation and their impact on the vessel characteristics of the methods ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hazard identification methods joanna orymowska paulina sobkowicz abstract this article presents the main hazards that occur in inland navigation and their impact on vessel characteristics of were used to identify threats examined such as hazop fta eta fmea swift there was shown model example steering gear damage moving straight fairway podsumowanie w artykule przedstawiono gowne zagroenia wystpujce egludze rodldowej i ich wpyw na statek charakterystyka metod zostaa wykorzystana do identyfikacji zagroe zbadano takie metody jak przykadzie uszkodzenia statku sterowego poruszajcego si po prostym torze wodnym keywords shipping risk analysis sowa kluczowe identyfikacja egluga rodldowa analiza ryzyka introduction waterway transport is considered one safer cheaper modes still operation units associated with a e g cargo ship threat human life environment pollution first step formal safety assessment its purpose all factors which may affect operational proper term allows for development appropri...

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