File: Online Teaching Methods Pdf 88310 | S12909 018 1278 Z
horntvedt et al bmc medical education 2018 18 172 https doi org 10 1186 s12909 018 1278 z research article open access strategies for teaching evidence based practice in nursing ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Horntvedt et al bmc medical education https doi org s z research article open access strategies for teaching evidence based practice in nursing a thematic literature review may elin t anita nordsteien torbjorg fermann and elisabeth severinsson abstract background ebp is imperative ensuring patient safety although to enhance knowledge skills are recommended recent indicates that nurses not be well prepared apply three level hierarchy learning medicine suggested including the requirement interactive clinical activities this identifies currently used undergraduate we also describe students educators experiences with outcomes barriers methods conducted searches using medline embase cinahl eric academic search premier six qualitative studies one mixed method study met inclusion criteria were critically evaluated on critical appraisal programme braun clarke phases seven deductively thematically analysed discover themes results four strategy identified subthemes within each theme i e integrat...