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k kurij at al analysis of construction dynamic plan using fuzzy analysis of construction dynamic plan using fuzzy critical path method kazimir v kurij university union nikola tesla professional paper ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...K kurij at al analysis of construction dynamic plan using fuzzy critical path method kazimir v university union nikola tesla professional paper faculty management belgrade udc aleksandar milaji dejan d beljakovi cpm technique has become widely recognized as valuable tool for the planning and scheduling large projects aim this is to present an analytical finding in precedence network diagram where duration each activity represented by a trapezoidal number fcpm uses defuzzification formula applies it on total float slack time find presented very effective determining activities paths key words introduction pattern complexity which can greatly affect nee vital ded proper placing tying control because complex that patterns consisting o bars re successful implementation requires ava spectively have exactly same amount ste ilability clearly defined el consequently theoretical however practical situations there are many cases man hours needed fixing although not be obvious such result would r...