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picture1_Language Pdf 87999 | Andini Ayu Lestari Dikompresi

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File: Language Pdf 87999 | Andini Ayu Lestari Dikompresi
improving reading comprehension skill by using skimming technique at the tenth grade of sma 4 palopo a thesis submitted to the english language of s1 tarbiyah and teacher training program ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Improving reading comprehension skill by using skimming technique at the tenth grade of sma palopo a thesis submitted to english language s tarbiyah and teacher training program state institute for islamic students in partial fulfillment requirement pd degree education andini ayu lestari reg num study iain beneath supervision prof dr h m said mahmud lc wahibah ag hum acknowledgements name allah most gracious merciful prise be cherisher sustainer worlds reciting bismillahir rahmanir rahim researcher started process this activity including primarily observation literature review writing getting research consultation therefore very gratefulness is adhered almighty god swt his messenger muhammad saw who has given me best everything complete whole realizes that support encouragement from many people have been important preparation would like acknowledge them abdul pirol as rector always gives motivation during studying nurdin kaso dean faculty explanation...

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